Budget Committee Application
LRAPA’s Budget Committee is responsible for reviewing and discussing the proposed budget for the Lane Regional Air Protection Agency. The committee is made up of members from various cities and counties, including Eugene, Springfield, Cottage Grove, Oakridge, and Lane County. The committee meets regularly to discuss the budget and make recommendations to the Board of Directors.
The Advisory Committee usually meets for 1-2 hours, starting at 11am on the second Thursday of March, April, and May.
About the Budget Commitee
LRAPA’s Budget Committee is responsible for reviewing and discussing the proposed budget for the Lane Regional Air Protection Agency. The committee is made up of members from various cities and counties, including Eugene, Springfield, Cottage Grove, Oakridge, and Lane County. The committee meets regularly to discuss the budget and make recommendations to the Board of Directors 1.
The Budget Committee shall consist of members from various cities and counties within the region, including Eugene, Springfield, Cottage Grove, Oakridge, and Lane County. The committee is responsible for reviewing and discussing the proposed budget for the Lane Regional Air Protection Agency. The committee meets regularly to discuss the budget and make recommendations to the Board of Directors. The objective of the committee is to ensure that the budget is transparent, accountable, and reflects the needs and priorities of the community.