Asbestos Abatement
Informational Documents
Pay Asbestos Removal Fee
Asbestos Documents

Asbestos Forms & Resources

Asbestos is the name of a group of naturally occurring fibrous minerals that are heat-resistant, strong, and extremely durable. Asbestos has historically been used in over 4,000 building products because of these properties.

Inhaling asbestos fibers can cause cancer and related diseases. For this reason, it is a closely regulated air pollutant. Removal of asbestos is regulated by LRAPA in Lane County, Oregon, under LRAPA’s Title 43 – Asbestos Requirements rules.

Asbestos Abatement Notification Form

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wood burning at home
To submit an asbestos notification form to LRAPA follow the form submission button below. Associated fees can be paid by sending check, cash, or money order to LRAPA at 1010 Main St. Springfield, Or. 97477 or by clicking on the Xpress Bill Pay link to pay by credit card or ACH. For questions contact LRAPA staff at or 541-736-1056.
Submit a ten-day and non-friable notification of intent to remove or encapsulate asbestos to LRAPA below.
You DO NOT need to notify us if you are:

  • Performing the project outside of Lane County (visit DEQ’s website instead);
  • Doing the asbestos removal yourself and your project qualifies as an owner-occupied, single-family residence;
  • Performing the removal of mastics and roofing products that are fully encapsulated with a petroleum-based binder and are not hard, dry, or brittle, and the conditions in (a) and (b) are met, provided these materials are not made friable;
    • (a) The generation of particulate asbestos material is minimized.
    • (b) Asbestos-containing materials are wetted prior to removal and during subsequent handling, to the extent practicable.
  • Performing the removal of asbestos-containing materials that are sealed from the atmosphere by a rigid casing, provided the casing is not broken or otherwise altered such that asbestos fibers could be released during removal, handling and transport to an authorized disposal site.

Asbestos Forms & Informational Documents

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LRAPA Asbestos Forms


Oregon Department of Environmental Quality Resources

Asbestos Factsheets

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Pay an Asbestos Removal Fee

Click on the Xpress Bill Pay link on our website to pay by credit card or ACH.

Deliver or mail check to our temporary address:

Lane Regional Air Protection Agency (LRAPA)
1711 Willamette Street, Suite 301, #51, Eugene, OR 97401
(Eugene Mailbox is the physical location)
Attention: Asbestos Program

Asbestos Information
OUTSIDE of Lane County

Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Asbestos Information and Contacts

Asbestos is commonly found in wall texture, ceiling texture, flooring, roofing, siding, pipe insulation and more.